Friday, January 15, 2010

DAYA Enews -January 2010 Article

To Answer the Call…

At any given moment, I am exactly where I am meant to be.

It took me a long time to reach a place where I could believe that statement, but I only now need to look back over the most critical moments in my life to know that it is true. And the moments that amaze me the most are the ones where I leapt freely from a place of comfort to a place unknown and landed exactly where I was supposed to be. Those leaps have been the most exhilarating because they have truly been leaps of faith. I’d like to tell you about a particularly transformational leap that I would like to invite you to take as well.

About a year after I started going back to church (I had taken a long, long hiatus), I heard about a young adult ministry called Vocare. I didn’t know much beyond the fact that a number of the people at my church had attended the previous year and that Vocare meant “to call” in Latin. When I asked a dear friend about it, he said “just go – trust me.”

Unusual for me, I didn’t question it. I filled out a registration form and a month later, I found myself at a camp surrounded by other young adults embarking on the great Vocare experience. Along with all of the other participants, I was a “pilgrim,” and there couldn’t have been a more fitting name. We were pilgrims experiencing a notable milestone on our respective spiritual journeys. For me, it was transformational.

From the first day, I was immersed in a loving and energetic community of Christians my own age. We spent time in fellowship, prayer, singing and deep discussions that enabled me to tackle questions that I had not considered before. I was able to step away from the busyness of my life and actively and prayerfully consider how God is calling me. I left the weekend empowered, energized and renewed, and with a whole new community of friends—many of whom are still a part of my life.

I have now served on staff for three other Vocare weekends throughout the Southeast, and I am blessed to be serving the next Vocare in Georgia as lay rector. On the weekend, there will be a series of talks and discussions that are designed to help us to grow in our awareness of being called by God and to help one another in answering this call. The weekend is not pressure-filled, but rather a fun, empowering, once-in-a-lifetime experience. Besides talks and discussions, we’ll pray together, eat, sing, and play. There will be time for quiet reflection and time for talking with clergy who are there as spiritual directors for the weekend. There will also be time for rest.

Where ever you are on your spiritual journey, Vocare has something to offer. I invite you join us on February 19-21, 2010 at Rock Eagle 4-H Center in Eatonton, Georgia for the next Vocare weekend. Registration forms are due by January 22, 2010. The cost for the entire weekend is $60, but scholarship assistance is available. If you have any questions or would like a registration form, please contact me at

I hope to see you there!


Julie Zorn Shipp

Vocare #19 Lay Rector